- To take control of a child's natural senses and ability to learn.
- To provide a nurturing, language enriched, non-competitive learning environment.
- The child develops his/her ability through exploration, touch and learning without fear.
- To improve the child's confidence, self esteem, self discipline, independence and concentration while incorporating fun into learning.
- To keep an open line of communication between parents and staff, informing either of changes or amendments to current structure or arrangements.
- We promote a healthy lifestyle, educating children on food and exercise and using the outdoor facilities as much as possible.
- Bright Sparks embraces all children and values their race, religion, language, disability, culture and class.
Montessori work cycle:
Children arrive, hang their coats and bags up and bring their lunch to the fridge. Children are then encouraged to work with the Montessori materials from the shelves. All Montessori work is carried out in the classroom, which is fully stocked with Practical Life, Sensorial, Maths, Language and Culture material.
The material is presented to the children on a one to one basis. Once they are comfortable with the exercise they then work independently with the relevant material. Classroom
Play Time: Play time is an important time for children to develop socially and emotionally and takes place in our purpose built log cabin. This room captures the child's imagination and allows the children to have the freedom to explore, dress up, build, create and most of all, have fun. Cabin photos
Outdoor play: Our all weather safety surface in our private garden, allows us to venture outdoors as much as possible. Both free play and structured play is encouraged here. Garden
Tidy up and snack time: Each child is encouraged to tidy their own work up and put it back on the shelves. Children take turns in giving out the snacks from the fridge & parents are advised of the HSE healthy eating guidelines to ensure lunch boxes are kept as healthy as possible.
Circle time / Culture: Various themes will be focused on weekly e.g. Human body, animals around the world, land forms, planets, maps, countries and nature. Parents are kept informed of what we are learning about through our password protected parents website and our Facebook page.
Nursery rhymes, poems and stories are incorporated into the weekly themes to reinforce what we are learning.